Free Kindle Books' Rafael Sabatini PG E-Books:

Bardelys the Magnificent; being an account of the strange wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, marquis of Bardelys

Captain Blood

The Historical Nights' Entertainment

The Historical Nights Entertainment, Second Series

The Life of Cesare Borgia

The Lion's Skin


Mistress Wilding

Saint Martin's Summer


The Sea-Hawk

The Shame of Motley: being the memoir of certain transactions in the life of Lazzaro Biancomonte, of Biancomonte, sometime fool of the court of Pesaro

The Snare

The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza

The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes

The Tavern Knight

The Trampling of the Lilies